What if we want to build tables (or views) based on our XML document? Then, we use XMLTable.
-- 1 - DEPARTMENTS with xmldepemp as (select xmlelement("DEPARTMENTS",xmlattributes('http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1' as "xmlns") ,xmlagg(xmlelement("DEPARTMENT",xmlattributes('DEP_'||to_char(dep.deptno) as "id") ,xmlelement("NAME",dep.dname) ,xmlelement("LOCATION",dep.loc) ,xmlelement("EMPLOYEES",(select xmlagg(xmlelement("EMPLOYEE",xmlattributes('EMP_'||empno as "id" ,decode (mgr,null,'EMP_'||empno,'EMP_'||mgr) as "manager_id") ,xmlelement("NAME",emp.ename) ,case when emp.hiredate is null then null else xmlelement("HIRE_DATE",emp.hiredate) end case ,xmlelement("JOB",emp.job) ,xmlelement("SALARY",emp.sal) ) order by emp.ename asc ) from emp emp where dep.deptno=emp.deptno) ) ) order by dep.dname asc )) depemp from dept dep) select dep.dep_id ,dep.name ,dep.location from xmldepemp ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1') ,'/DEPARTMENTS/DEPARTMENT' passing xmldepemp.depemp columns dep_id varchar2(6) path '@id' ,name varchar2(10) path 'NAME' ,location varchar2(10) path 'LOCATION' ) dep order by dep_id asc; -- 2 - EMPLOYEES per DEPARTMENTS with xmldepemp as (select xmlelement("DEPARTMENTS",xmlattributes('http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1' as "xmlns") ,xmlagg(xmlelement("DEPARTMENT",xmlattributes('DEP_'||to_char(dep.deptno) as "id") ,xmlelement("NAME",dep.dname) ,xmlelement("LOCATION",dep.loc) ,xmlelement("EMPLOYEES",(select xmlagg(xmlelement("EMPLOYEE",xmlattributes('EMP_'||empno as "id" ,decode (mgr,null,'EMP_'||empno,'EMP_'||mgr) as "manager_id") ,xmlelement("NAME",emp.ename) ,case when emp.hiredate is null then null else xmlelement("HIRE_DATE",emp.hiredate) end case ,xmlelement("JOB",emp.job) ,xmlelement("SALARY",emp.sal) ) order by emp.ename asc ) from emp emp where dep.deptno=emp.deptno) ) ) order by dep.dname asc )) depemp from dept dep) select emp.emp_id ,dep.dep_id ,emp.manager_id ,emp.name ,emp.hire_date ,emp.job ,emp.salary from xmldepemp ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1') ,'/DEPARTMENTS/DEPARTMENT' passing xmldepemp.depemp columns dep_id varchar2(6) path '@id' ,employees xmltype path 'EMPLOYEES/EMPLOYEE' ) dep ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1') ,'/EMPLOYEE' passing dep.employees columns emp_id varchar2(8) path '@id' ,manager_id varchar2(8) path '@manager_id' ,name varchar2(16) path 'NAME' ,hire_date date path 'HIRE_DATE' ,job varchar2(16) path 'JOB' ,salary number(6,0) path 'SALARY' ) emp ;
SQL> set linesize 130 SQL> set pagesize 1000 SQL> -- 1 - DEPARTMENTS SQL> with xmldepemp as (select xmlelement("DEPARTMENTS",xmlattributes('http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1' as "xm lns") 2 ,xmlagg(xmlelement("DEPARTMENT",xmlattributes('DEP_'||to_char(dep.deptno) a s "id") 3 ,xmlelement("NAME",dep.dname) 4 ,xmlelement("LOCATION",dep.loc) 5 ,xmlelement("EMPLOYEES",(select xmlagg(xmlel ement("EMPLOYEE",xmlattributes('EMP_'||empno as "id" 6 ,decode (mgr,null,'EMP_'||empno,'EMP_'||mgr) as "manager_id") 7 ,xmlelement("NAME",emp.ename) 8 ,case when emp.hiredate is null then null else xmlelement("HIRE_DATE",emp.hiredate) end case 9 ,xmlelement("JOB",emp.job) 10 ,xmlelement("SALARY",emp.sal) 11 ) order by emp.ename asc 12 ) 13 from emp emp 14 where dep.deptno=em p.deptno) 15 ) 16 ) order by dep.dname asc 17 )) depemp 18 from dept dep) 19 select dep.dep_id 20 ,dep.name 21 ,dep.location 22 from xmldepemp 23 ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1') 24 ,'/DEPARTMENTS/DEPARTMENT' 25 passing xmldepemp.depemp 26 columns dep_id varchar2(6) path '@id' 27 ,name varchar2(10) path 'NAME' 28 ,location varchar2(10) path 'LOCATION' 29 ) dep 30 order by dep_id asc; DEP_ID NAME LOCATION ------ ---------- ---------- DEP_10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK DEP_20 RESEARCH DALLAS DEP_30 SALES CHICAGO DEP_40 OPERATIONS BOSTON SQL> SQL> -- 2 - EMPLOYEES per DEPARTMENTS SQL> with xmldepemp as (select xmlelement("DEPARTMENTS",xmlattributes('http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1' as "xm lns") 2 ,xmlagg(xmlelement("DEPARTMENT",xmlattributes('DEP_'||to_char(dep.deptno) a s "id") 3 ,xmlelement("NAME",dep.dname) 4 ,xmlelement("LOCATION",dep.loc) 5 ,xmlelement("EMPLOYEES",(select xmlagg(xmlel ement("EMPLOYEE",xmlattributes('EMP_'||empno as "id" 6 ,decode (mgr,null,'EMP_'||empno,'EMP_'||mgr) as "manager_id") 7 ,xmlelement("NAME",emp.ename) 8 ,case when emp.hiredate is null then null else xmlelement("HIRE_DATE",emp.hiredate) end case 9 ,xmlelement("JOB",emp.job) 10 ,xmlelement("SALARY",emp.sal) 11 ) order by emp.ename asc 12 ) 13 from emp emp 14 where dep.deptno=em p.deptno) 15 ) 16 ) order by dep.dname asc 17 )) depemp 18 from dept dep) 19 select emp.emp_id 20 ,dep.dep_id 21 ,emp.manager_id 22 ,emp.name 23 ,emp.hire_date 24 ,emp.job 25 ,emp.salary 26 from xmldepemp 27 ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1') 28 ,'/DEPARTMENTS/DEPARTMENT' 29 passing xmldepemp.depemp 30 columns dep_id varchar2(6) path '@id' 31 ,employees xmltype path 'EMPLOYEES/EMPLOYEE' 32 ) dep 33 ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1') 34 ,'/EMPLOYEE' 35 passing dep.employees 36 columns emp_id varchar2(8) path '@id' 37 ,manager_id varchar2(8) path '@manager_id' 38 ,name varchar2(16) path 'NAME' 39 ,hire_date date path 'HIRE_DATE' 40 ,job varchar2(16) path 'JOB' 41 ,salary number(6,0) path 'SALARY' 42 ) emp 43 ; EMP_ID DEP_ID MANAGER_ NAME HIRE_DAT JOB SALARY -------- ------ -------- ---------------- -------- ---------------- ---------- EMP_7782 DEP_10 EMP_7839 CLARK 09/06/81 MANAGER 2450 EMP_7839 DEP_10 EMP_7839 KING 17/11/81 PRESIDENT 5000 EMP_7934 DEP_10 EMP_7782 MILLER 23/01/82 CLERK 1300 EMP_7876 DEP_20 EMP_7788 ADAMS 23/05/87 CLERK 1100 EMP_7902 DEP_20 EMP_7566 FORD 03/12/81 ANALYST 3000 EMP_7566 DEP_20 EMP_7839 JONES 02/04/81 MANAGER 2975 EMP_7788 DEP_20 EMP_7566 SCOTT 19/04/87 ANALYST 3000 EMP_7369 DEP_20 EMP_7902 SMITH 17/12/80 CLERK 800 EMP_7499 DEP_30 EMP_7698 ALLEN 20/02/81 SALESMAN 1600 EMP_7698 DEP_30 EMP_7839 BLAKE 01/05/81 MANAGER 2850 EMP_7900 DEP_30 EMP_7698 JAMES 03/12/81 CLERK 950 EMP_7654 DEP_30 EMP_7698 MARTIN 28/09/81 SALESMAN 1250 EMP_7844 DEP_30 EMP_7698 TURNER 08/09/81 SALESMAN 1500 EMP_7521 DEP_30 EMP_7698 WARD 22/02/81 SALESMAN 1250 14 ligne(s) sÚlectionnÚe(s). SQL>
-- 1 - WTDF_V_XML_DEP create or replace view WTDF_V_XML_DEP as with xmldepemp as (select xmlelement("DEPARTMENTS",xmlattributes('http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1' as "xmlns") ,xmlagg(xmlelement("DEPARTMENT",xmlattributes('DEP_'||to_char(dep.deptno) as "id") ,xmlelement("NAME",dep.dname) ,xmlelement("LOCATION",dep.loc) ,xmlelement("EMPLOYEES",(select xmlagg(xmlelement("EMPLOYEE",xmlattributes('EMP_'||empno as "id" ,decode (mgr,null,'EMP_'||empno,'EMP_'||mgr) as "manager_id") ,xmlelement("NAME",emp.ename) ,case when emp.hiredate is null then null else xmlelement("HIRE_DATE",emp.hiredate) end case ,xmlelement("JOB",emp.job) ,xmlelement("SALARY",emp.sal) ) order by emp.ename asc ) from emp emp where dep.deptno=emp.deptno) ) ) order by dep.dname asc )) depemp from dept dep) select to_number(substr(dep.dep_id,5)) dep_id ,dep.name ,dep.location from xmldepemp ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1') ,'/DEPARTMENTS/DEPARTMENT' passing xmldepemp.depemp columns dep_id varchar2(6) path '@id' ,name varchar2(10) path 'NAME' ,location varchar2(10) path 'LOCATION' ) dep order by dep_id asc; -- 2 - WTDF_V_XML_EMP create or replace view WTDF_V_XML_EMP as with xmldepemp as (select xmlelement("DEPARTMENTS",xmlattributes('http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1' as "xmlns") ,xmlagg(xmlelement("DEPARTMENT",xmlattributes('DEP_'||to_char(dep.deptno) as "id") ,xmlelement("NAME",dep.dname) ,xmlelement("LOCATION",dep.loc) ,xmlelement("EMPLOYEES",(select xmlagg(xmlelement("EMPLOYEE",xmlattributes('EMP_'||empno as "id" ,decode (mgr,null,'EMP_'||empno,'EMP_'||mgr) as "manager_id") ,xmlelement("NAME",emp.ename) ,case when emp.hiredate is null then null else xmlelement("HIRE_DATE",emp.hiredate) end case ,xmlelement("JOB",emp.job) ,xmlelement("SALARY",emp.sal) ) order by emp.ename asc ) from emp emp where dep.deptno=emp.deptno) ) ) order by dep.dname asc )) depemp from dept dep) select to_number(substr(emp.emp_id,5)) emp_id ,to_number(substr(dep.dep_id,5)) dep_id ,decode(emp.emp_id,emp.manager_id,null,to_number(substr(emp.manager_id,5))) manager_id ,emp.name ,emp.hire_date ,emp.job ,emp.salary from xmldepemp ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1') ,'/DEPARTMENTS/DEPARTMENT' passing xmldepemp.depemp columns dep_id varchar2(6) path '@id' ,employees xmltype path 'EMPLOYEES/EMPLOYEE' ) dep ,xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://http://dataflows.blogspot.com/SCOTT/depemp/1') ,'/EMPLOYEE' passing dep.employees columns emp_id varchar2(8) path '@id' ,manager_id varchar2(8) path '@manager_id' ,name varchar2(16) path 'NAME' ,hire_date date path 'HIRE_DATE' ,job varchar2(16) path 'JOB' ,salary number(6,0) path 'SALARY' ) emp ;